Common problems
Do you have this problem?
For operators
Data recorded on paper is difficult to store and manage.
Digitalizing data using Excel is tedious.
Data are usually scattered and difficult to access.
For administrators
It's difficult to get an overview of everything because of data fragmentation and incompatibility.
Cannot find a solution that suit your specific needs.
Analytics is slow and labor-intensive.
Digitalization of manufacturing data is the first step to
improve equipment maintenance and equipment efficiency by reducing the workload on site.
What moganadx can do
Digitalizing and visualizing data at the manufacturing site,
to hasten issue discovery and realize highly productive management.
Subscription model allows an easy, low risk start to digital transformation.
If you try to develop an optimal system for your company in order to "digitalize the manufacturing site", it will cost a lot of money.
Instead, moganadx has a subscription type contract that allows you to use the service for a small monthly fee instead of a bulk purchase.
Therefore, we can carry out business management reforms through the digitalization of business while limiting initial costs and cash flow risks.
Proven usability with various factories and companies while allowing customization to meet every customer's needs.
We have prepared reports with inputs that were the result of working and surveying dozens of manufacturing sites. You can also customize the contents according to your company's needs and requirements.
In addition, on the dashboard screen, you can customize the way graphs are displayed so that important information can be easily understood.
As a result, we enable labor-saving analysis and reporting with ease that fits your company's needs.
Embark on the digital transformation journey in record time with a free counseling session.
After application, it takes a minimum of two weeks for consulting, requirement elicitation, system construction, and service implementation.
Even if there is no IT staff in your company, we will assign an expert to support you.
Introducing FAQ
Increase the number of installation lines and the price will double?No, the price will not double proportionally. moganadx has adopted a pricing model that minimizes the additional cost of taking over the initial SI setup to make it easy for customers to consider rolling out SaaS. In addition to the above, volume discounts are available.
Is it possible to visualize different themes from the existing ones on the dashboard?Yes, it is possible. The existing dashboard theme is only a template that we provide. Therefore, themes not included in the template can be added to moganadx SaaS with your request.
DXロードマップ上のQCDSEの工場のテーマを今後実装する予定がありますか?はい、ございます。 サービス開始初期の段階ではテンプレートは2種類(設備総合効率と設備保全)ですが、順次、新たなテーマが追加されます。テーマの追加は必ずしもロードマップの順序に沿うものではございませんので、ロードマップ外のテーマも含めて、ご要望の場合には、ぜひお気軽にお問い合わせください。
電子的に入力した日報・帳票のデータを紙媒体で出力することは可能か?はい、可能です。 moganadx SaaSでは、ご入力いただいた日報・帳票データをCSVもしくはPDF形式で出力することができます。
Is it possible to link data from moganadx to our own system?Data stored in moganadx can be exported in CSV format. In case your system is capable of importing files in CSV format, data can be linked to it.
How often is the dashboard updated? Is it real-time?The dashboard is updated hourly. If you require updates more frequently, please contact us individually.
Is it possible to share dashboards in real-time with factories outside of the country?Yes, it is possible. The moganadx SaaS system is built on a public cloud, so you can access your dashboard in real-time from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an Internet connection.
Is it possible to arbitrarily update the contents of reports after the start of SaaS use?Yes, it is possible. The administrator account is authorized to change some of the contents of the electronic reports created by the service introduction support.
What is DX (Digital Transformation) and behavioral change?DX is a term that refers to the sequence of "digitization/IT (visualization) ⇒ change in behavior through visualization (behavioral change) ⇒ achievement of goals. Recently, DX initiatives are becoming popular, but due to the high hurdles involved, it is often the case that "visualization" itself is replaced by the goal. In this case, it becomes difficult to lead the change in behavior after visualization, and we often receive comments such as, "We visualized, but we don't know what to do afterward," or "We visualized, but it didn't settle in the field, so it was not effective. It would be a disappointment to see such a result after implementing a DX project. Therefore, in order to do DX without failures, it is important to focus on behavioral changes to achieve the goal at the time of implementation.
どの様なネットワーク環境が必要か? wifiって必要?有線(例:LANケーブル)ではダメか?モバイル端末(スマートフォン、タブレット)をご利用頂く場合は、WiFiをご用意頂く必要があります。 PC利用のみの場合は、有線LANの利用でも問題ございません。
Do you purchase your own tablets?Yes, if you wish to input data on a tablet, please prepare it yourself.
設備(例:PLCやシーケンサー)から直接moganadx SaaSにデータ連携したい場合に、自社工場側では、どの様な準備が必要か?必要な準備作業は、ご使用されている設備によって異なるため、弊社にお問い合わせください。 最低限必要なものとして、PLC・シーケンサーからmoganaに自動でデータ連携させるために、WiFiやBlootooth等のネットワーク環境と、デバイスゲートウェイが必要となります。
Do we negotiate with equipment (e.g. PLCs and sequencers) vendors ourselves?In principle, customers should consult with them.
サービス導入時の帳票Do we set up our own reports when we introduce the service?設定は自社で行うのか?No, we will set up the electronic reports for you when we support the initial introduction of the service.
自社システムとmoganadxを連携させたい場合に、自社システムを改修する必要があるか?御社システムのデータをmoganadxに連携させる場合、CSV形式でデータを出力頂く必要があります。 出力したCSVファイルはmoganadxのデータアップロード機能を利用してアップロード頂けます。
Is there anything to prepare the environment at our factory for the introduction of the system?In most cases, you will need to prepare a network and a tablet. Requirements may vary depending on the conditions and environment of the customer's factory.
SaaS subscription can be stopped immediately?As long as the contract has no minimum duration, customers can stop using the service by completing the prescribed cancellation procedures at least one month prior to the planned service termination date.
System development costs and maintenance and operation costsThere are no system development, maintenance, or operation costs charged when using moganadx SaaS. After paying the initial setup fee to use our system, customers can continue to use the service with only a monthly fee. In contrast to large-scale system development, this service allows your company to implement a light and flexible DX approach without concern for the amortization period.
PriceFor a small start, SaaS subscription fees as low as 70,000 yen per month are available. Please feel free to contact us for a free consultation to select the best plan for your company and to estimate the cost.
Is it possible to use moganadx SaaS functions partially (e.g., only electronic daily reports)?Yes, it is possible. Please feel free to contact us for an individual quotation.
I don't know how to calculate the cost-effectiveness of DX efforts.When calculating cost-effectiveness, not only reductions in labor costs, but also improvements in production efficiency and the percentage of good products may be expected.
How is it different from a typical BI tool?A general BI tool is a tool to facilitate visual analysis and discussion of predetermined input data to support management decisions. At this time, " inputting data ⇒ organizing data ⇒ graphing ⇒ analyzing" is required, but BI tools specialize in "graphing ⇒ analyzing". On the other hand, moganadx SaaS covers " inputting data => organizing data => graphing => analysis" in a single step. Focusing on "graphing => analysis," customers can use dashboard templates filled with our accumulated know-how in the industry. In addition, moganadx SaaS is equipped with a batch approval function and a function for setting up daily report approval routes. For more information about moganadx SaaS, please feel free to contact us.
How is this different from a typical system installation?moganadx SaaS is a service that allows customers to use our system on a public cloud. Therefore, after paying the initial setup fee to use our system, customers can continue to use the service with only a monthly fee. In contrast to large-scale system development, this service allows your company to implement a light and flexible DX approach without concern for the amortization period.
What is SaaS?SaaS stands for Software as a Service. moganadx SaaS is a service that allows customers to use our system on a public cloud. Therefore, after paying the initial setup fee to use our system, customers can continue to use the service with only a monthly fee. In contrast to large-scale system development, this service allows your company to implement a light and flexible DX approach without concern for the amortization period.
What is Subscription?Subscription is a Purchased Use. moganadx SaaS is a service that allows customers to use our system on a public cloud. Therefore, after paying the initial setup fee to use our system, customers can continue to use the service with only a monthly fee. In contrast to large-scale system development, this service allows your company to implement a light and flexible DX approach without concern for the amortization period.
mogonadx SaaS in a word?This is a DX service that promotes behavioral change on-site based on visualization, aggregation, and analysis of factory data.
Is there a minimum duration of service?Yes, in principle, at least 3 months.
Is it possible to introduce moganadx SaaS in factories outside of Vietnam and Japan?In the early stages, the service will only be available in Vietnam and Japan.